Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What's going on in my little world

So the PGA tour is going on as I write this in my backyard, so there's tons of people walking around and the traffic around my house is insane! Last year we got tickets but I don't know if is just me but I find Golf super boring, we had a great time though because we were drinking and hanging out with our friends. This year I don't think we will get tickets since Tiger Woods is not even playing.

I have 11 days left on my BC yayyyyyy can't wait!! But on Sunday I completely forgot to take my pill and Monday morning I had a surprise visitor MY PERIOD! I took a pill yesterday and today but I'm still spotting. I'm so scared that the reason why I got my period is because the 3 huge cysts are still there ahhhh I would be so sad. But I don't feel anything, not even when I work out and do lunges or abs do I feel anything in my lower abdomen. Should I call my doctor? Or should I wait? I sure hope I didn't mess this up.

One of my best friends calls me today that she is late by 6 days what???? She's still in nursing school and her boyfriends lives in Atlanta. She was there for two weeks last month so she thinks that maybe something happened. We are doing a pregnancy test at my house tomorrow. I don't know how I'm going to react if it comes out positive! I really hope I can keep myself together. Of course I will be happy for her but at the same time I will be a bit sad that I'm still not pregnant.


  1. Sorry that your period showed up like that anyway. I'd guess waiting it out would probably be OK. I hope the last BCPs go by quickly and you're soon cyst free!! I've had those giant cysts, too, and they just really sucked. It was so hard to even walk a block without taking baby steps.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Looking forward to getting to know you.
    Sorry about your surprise visitor, I would assume if your not feeling any pain or pressure, just wait until your next appointment. Otherwise, if you have a small co-pay and time to go to dr...why not get it checked out.
    Look forward to getting to know you!

  3. Hmmm, if it were me I would probably call the dr. just to make sure everything is a okay, and maybe you could get a peek on those cysts that are hopefully gone?? I just tend to be overly crazy and would worry myself to death, but thats just me. So today is Thursday so only 9 days left for us, WOOHOO!!!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am glad that you have joined the blog world. It has been great therapy for me and hope it will do the same for you.
    I am curious of the results from yesterday. It is a tough situation to be in. You of course are happy for your friend...but there is that nasty IF thing that just screams at you EVERY flippin time you hear someone else is pregnant.
    Regardless of the outcome, know we are all here to help you through it!!!
