Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cyst Free!!!!!

OMG, my cysts are GONE!!!!!!! Thank you God!!!!! I'm so excited, this is all I really wanted for my birthday ladies and I GOT IT! Wow I feel so happy right now, I can't believe it. My doctor was very optimistic about this cycle. So here is the plan, I keep taking my last three BC pills and as soon as I get my period I will call the office and go in CD 3. My last pill is on Saturday so I really hope that my period comes either Sunday or Monday.

My husband went to the appointment with me and he was soooooo happy as well. He's the funniest and the most optimistic person I know, he's never sad always in a great mood, and he has been my rock through this long six months. Today when Dr. H said that my cysts were gone his eyes got watery and he had the biggest smile on his face. He told me " Baby, I told you that God was going to take care of us". I'm so blessed to have such an amazing and supportive partner! So thank you baby for always putting a smile on my face, I love you!

I'm starting to celebrate my birthday tomorrow. All my friends are coming over for some Tapas and wine, and on Friday morning a group of us are going to Key West to keep the party weekend going. Hey this may be my last year without a baby so I need to party it up right? I hope everybody has an amazing weekend. Thank you for all your comment and prayers =)


  1. Yah! Congratulations! Have a great time in Key West!

  2. That's great news! I hope this cycle ends up being YOUR cycle! And Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Bday my friend! I knew the cysts would be gone, yip yip yip!!!!!

  4. Yayyyyy! Congratulations! That is wonderful news. Happy Birthday & enjoy the Keys!

  5. Such awesome news!!! And happy bday, have so much fun this weekend! So my last pill is Sunday...I'm hoping my period comes QUICK, does it normally come right after you stop the pills...I hope so!

  6. Amazing news!!! I'm so glad you have a hubs that is there for you and positive!! They are one in a million!

  7. Woot woot! Great news! And happy birthday! Sounds like a great weekend you have planned.

  8. Congrats! I just found your blog and got caught up on your story. I was diagnosed with PCOS in January and although we've been trying since October I have yet to ovulate. I took my last clomid last night and go in on Monday to see if I have any follies. I'm looking forward to following your story!!!
